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ARCHTHEO '24 / XVIII. The International Conference on Theory and History of Architecture will be held as an in-person conference. The conference is coordinated by DAKAM (Eastern Mediterranean Academic Research Center)

All abstracts will be selected according to double-blind reviews, and accepted papers will be published in the Conference Proceedings E-Book with an ISBN number, which will be sent to you after the conference.

We invite you to join us at the event in Istanbul and would like to emphasize that proposals from different parts of the world are welcomed.


Please visit the REGISTRATION page for publication opportunities, registration conditions, and presentation instructions. 


The conference dates back to 2009, when the first international conference, "Architecture, Media, and Art," was organized at Mimar Sinan Fine Arts University. The first of the theory of architecture conference series, ARCHTHEO, has been held since 2011 at Mimar Sinan Fine Arts University, focusing on the possibility of the theory without the backing of the practice or built environment. Therefore, The title was "Theory for the Sake of the Theory" emphatically. In 2012, the discussion centered on Living and space; the main topic has been chosen as "House&Home' in particular. ARCHTHEO '13 focused on the two leading roles in architecture, the architect and the so-called 'user', and 'Creativity, Autonomy and Function' has been a fruitful discussion theme. In 2014, 'Architecture and Text' was discussed; in 2015, 'Architecture and Criticism' was the main theme.  In 2016, the ARCHTHEO Conference was merged with the ARCHHIST Conference series and, since then, has continued to focus on the theory and history of architecture from various perspectives.


Registration Deadline: 

OCTOBER 25, 2024

Full Paper Submission Deadline: 

NOVEMBER 8, 2024








- Criticism and History of Architecture
- Architectural Criticism, Critical Theory, and ‘Critical Architecture
- Essential Texts on Architectural Theory
- Architect as Author: Texts by the architects
- Multidisciplinary Studies on architecture
- A structural relationship between architecture and text
- Philosophy and architecture
- Case studies on terminology and points of view
- Definition and concepts by architectural movements or periods




- Artificial Intelligence

- Biomimetics

- Kinetic Architecture

- Programmable Matter

- Cognitive Neuroscience and Architectural Experience

- Ideology and Architecture

- New Digitial Technologies

- Genetics and Architecture

- Gender Issues and Architecture

- Architects, Race, and Minorities

- Refugee Crises and Architecture

- Pandemic and Architecture

- Architecture in the Age of Climate Crisis

- Green Architecture

- Sustainability

- Biopmorphisim

- Neuroscience and Architecture



- Urban Design Case studies

- The future and past of the cities
- Everyday life, ideology, and culture

- Phenomenology and architecture

- Anthropology, locality, and 'low' architecture

- Body, movement, and space

- Perception, feeling, and space

- Metaphors, symbols, and people

- Lives of Buildings

- Public and private life
- Objects and interiors

- The problem of scale in architecture
- Buildings, urban life, and environment




- Historical styles and periods

- Case studies

- Figures from the history of architecture

- Historiography

- Modern Architecture

- Contemporary trends



NIPPON Meeting Halls in Istanbul

Nippon Hotel, Taksim

Topçu Caddesi No:6, Taksim, Beyoğlu, Turkey


Nippon Meeting Halls are located in the heart of Taksim, the cultural center of Istanbul and it is easily accessible by metro, taxi or bus. 


You can easily reach Nippon Conference Halls by walking from Taksim Square.


Taksim can be regarded one of the most central places in Istanbul.


From the airport you can directly reach Taksim by taking the white HAVATAŞ Buses. Taksim

is also accessible by many bus lines, yellow minibus lines or two different metro lines.


Here are some useful links for public transportation in Istanbul.


Click here for the Istanbul metro network map.


Click here for the transportation fares and cards.


Click here for general information on public transportation in Istanbul.


All proposals will be selected by a double-blind review process by the scientific committee members. 

Prof. Dr. Gökçeçiçek Savaşır, Dokuz Eylül University

Architect. Graduated from the Middle East Technical University (M.E.T.U.), Faculty of Architecture, Department of Architecture, Ankara, Turkey (B.Arch. 2000). Received her M.Arch Degree, with the topic "Re-framing Architecture: METU Faculty of Architecture and its Photographic Reproduction”, in 2001, at the M.E.T.U. Received her Ph.D. Degree in 2008, at the same department with the topic “Re-thinking the Limits of Architecture through the Avant-Garde Formations during the 1960s: Projections and Receptions in the Context of Turkey”. Teaching as a Professor at Dokuz Eylul University, Izmir, Turkey. Her fields of interest include “architectural history, theory and criticism”, “architectural avant-garde”, “architectural photography”, “visuality, and architectural representation”, "modernity and modern architecture and tourism architecture”. 


Prof. Dr. Ömür Barkul, Yıldız Technical University

Ömür Barkul studied at Yildiz Technical University Faculty of Architecture. She received B.Arch. degree with the thesis on “Physical, social and structural problems of 19. century apartments in Istanbul”. Directed independently design studios at graduate and master programs at Yildiz Technical University Faculty of Architecture since 1993. And also gives lectures on “Contextual Architecture”, “Social Sustainability, and Social Environment in Rehabilitation Areas”

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Emine Görgül, Istanbul Technical University

Emine Görgül is an associate professor and vice-chair at Istanbul Technical University-ITU Department of Interior Architecture. She has received her B.Sc. (1999), M.Sc. (2002), and Ph.D. (2013) degrees from ITU in Architecture and Architectural Theory and Criticism.  Her master's thesis focused on deconstructivism and avant-garde theory while dismantling the AG behavioral tone in deconstructivism. Yet her Ph.D. thesis entitled ‘Space as a Becoming: A Discussion on the Transfiguring Ontology of Space and Emergence of Spatial Mediators’ has also focused on the space as an open-ended dynamic embodiment, and examined the architectural space through a Deleuzian context.

She was a visiting scholar at DSD-TU Delft, a visiting teacher at Architectural Association-London an invited studio critic in Hong Kong University-School of Architecture, and an invited professor at Auburn University-Alabama.  She has been the chair of ‘The Deleuze Studies Conference Istanbul 2014’, and the founder of the ITU Deleuze Studies Reading Group-İstanbul. She has also been the keynote presenter of III. Deleuze Studies Asia Conference-Manipal and 2014 Deleuze Conference in Lima. She experiments with alternative ways of teaching design and creativity through her architectural and interior architectural studios at both undergraduate and graduate levels, and authors numerous articles both in Turkish and in English, on design theory and criticism as well as design education and innovative interventions.

Assoc. Professor Leyla Alpagut, Abant Izzet Baysal University

She received her Bachelor’s Degree (1994), Master’s Degree (1999), and PhD (2005) in Art History from Hacettepe University. Currently, she is an Associate Professor at the Department of Architecture, at Abant Izzet Baysal University. Her research interests include Early Republican Architecture in Turkey and educational buildings, foreign architects in the Early Republican Period of Turkey, and modern architecture.


Assoc. Prof. Derya Elmalı Sen, Karadeniz Technical University

Derya Elmalı Şen is an associate professor of Building Design and Theory at Karadeniz Technical University (KTU), Faculty of Architecture, Department of Architecture, Trabzon.  She graduated from KTU Department of Architecture as B. Arch in 2001, where she received her M.Arch degree with the thesis entitled “Transparency-Opacity Concepts in Architecture and Their Effects on Perception of Façades” in 2005. She received her Ph.D. degree with the thesis entitled “A Research on Transparency and Opacity Concepts in the Context of Perception and Signification (Denotation/Connotation) in Architecture) (KTU, 2009). Her research interests are in the fields of architectural design, transparency in architecture, meaning in architecture, modern architecture and vernacular architecture.

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Efe Duyan, Riseba University

Poet, architect (b. 1981, İstanbul, Turkey). He studied architecture and philosophy at Middle East Technical University (B.A.), History and Theory of Architecture in Yıldız Technical University (M.S.), and History of Architecture at Mimar Sinan Fine Arts University (PhD). He is currently teaching the history of architecture at Mimar Sinan Fine Arts University. Some of his academic works as an editor are House and Home, Politics and History of Architecture as Cause and Consequence, Urban Space and Literature, Creativity Autonomy, and Function. His fields of interest are the theory of architecture, modern architecture, 'critical architecture', 'undesigned spaces', and architectural texts. He has been invited to several international organizations including the Word Express project, the Edinburgh Book Festival, the London Book Fair, the Berlin Poetry Festival, and the Lodeve Poetry Festival.

Asst. Prof. Dr. Elvan Gökçe Erkmen, Mimar Sinan Fine Arts University

She was born in 1959 in Istanbul. She graduated from Istanbul German High School in 1978 and completed her graduate studies in Istanbul Fine Arts Academy in 1983. She wrote anthologies about people and movements in art and architecture history between 1984 and 1985. She started working as a Research Assistant in the Department of Architecture History at Mimar Sinan University in 1985. She received her Phd degree with her Phd thesis entitled 'Clemens Holzmeister and his place in Turkish Architecture'. (This thesis is still being exhibited at Salzburg Clemens Holzmeister Museum's publications section.)

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Yıldız Aksoy Medeniyet University

She received her bachelor's degree from Istanbul University Faculty of Forestry, Landscape Architecture Department, and her master's and doctorate degrees from ITU Institute of Science and Technology, Department of City and Regional Planning Landscape Planning program. She worked as a Landscape Planning and Design Workshop coordinator in addition to being a lecturer at Bahçeşehir University, Faculty of Architecture. She served as the Vice Head of the Architecture Department, the Head of the Landscape Architecture and Urban Design Department, the Head of the Urban Design Master's Program Department, and the Vice Dean at the Faculty of Architecture and Design at Istanbul Aydın University. Since 2015, she has been teaching Landscape Design in Architecture as a visiting professor at Yıldız Technical University, Faculty of Architecture, and Department of Architecture. She was appointed to Istanbul Medeniyet University, Faculty of Art, Design, and Architecture, Department of City and Regional Planning in 2016. She has served as the Head of the Department of City and Regional Planning and Architecture, as well as the Vice Dean.

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Tiziana Campisi University of Palermo

She joined the University of Palermo (Italy) in 1999, where she is an Associate Professor of Architectural Engineering. She holds the Courses of “Building Rehabilitation and Conservation Projects” for the Master's Degree in Engineering of Building Systems, “Materials and techniques of the Existing Building Heritage” for the 5-year Master's Degree in Architecture, and “Techniques for the Sustainable Recovery of architecture” for the Master's Degree in Architecture for the sustainable project of the existing. She supervised and co-supervised about 150-degree theses, with assistance and teaching responsibility in the Graduation Laboratories as a teacher and tutor, carrying out specific seminars and assiduous assistance in the project work of undergraduates, also through on-site inspections and instrumental analyses useful for the insights assigned to students.
She is Vice-Coordinator of the 5-year Course of Study in Architectural Engineering and Architecture and the 2-year Master's Degree in “Architecture and Sustainable Design of the Built Environment” of the University of Palermo; she is a component of the teaching board of the PhD course in “Architecture, Arts and Planning” of the Department of Architecture of the University of Palermo. Her research activity consists of approximately 190 publications, focused on developing technological solutions for traditional architecture, sustainable rehabilitation, and improvement of technical elements/construction systems. She is mainly devoted to the study of constructive characteristics of historical buildings, with specific attention to recurrent and original study cases. She also studies traditional and contemporary timber structures and wooden construction systems. Finally, she joined the international research group "Historic Timber Frames in Seismic Zones", a team of experts and an opportunity for international exchange on the topic of wooden structures in seismic areas, and she is a member of the Italian Scientific Committee of ICOMOS, for the conservation of wooden structures; and of REHAMIBED Association, oriented to local economic development through the enhancement of the urban/traditional heritage.


Asst. Prof. Dr. Ismet Osmanoglu, Trakya University

He was born in 1964. He holds a BA (1986) in Architecture from Istanbul Technical University, an MA (1990) in Engineering and Technology from Istanbul Technical University, and a PhD (2004) in Engineering and Technology from Istanbul Technical University. His fields of interest are urban conservation and renovation; urban conservation policy; restoration; architectural design for the historic part of urban areas; and architectural and environmental design/implementation. He has a lot of national and international important projects like the restoration of  Suleymaniye Şifahana, Restoration of Kadem-i Sharif Dervish Lodge, Restoration of Yıldız Parc, Restoration of Hagia Sophia  Madrasah, Restoration of Beykoz Military Barracks, Restoration of Üsküdar French School, Restoration of Yıldız Palace Private Gardens, Bahçelievler Cultural Center, İkitelli Sports Complex, Environmental  Design of Tuzla Coast, Caddebostan - Bostancı Coast, Florya Coast, Kazakhistan Mass Housing, Educational and Health Buildings in Afghanistan, Sarajevo Shopping Mall, Baku Galleria, Trakya University Faculty of Medicine, Building, Trakya University Faculty of Pharmacy Building.

Asst. Prof. Dr. Nikolaos-Ion Terzoglou National Technical University of Athens

He obtained a Diploma in Architecture and Engineering (2000), a Master’s of Science (2001, Postgraduate Diploma in “Architecture: Design-Space- Culture”), and a PhD in the Theory and Philosophy of Architecture (2005) at the National Technical University of Athens, where he teaches Concepts and Theories for the Organization and Design of Architectural Space as a tenured Assistant Professor, having previously taught at the University of Patras, Greece (2007-2010). He also holds a degree in painting from the Athens School of Fine Arts (2009). His doctoral thesis was awarded the Second International ICAR-CORA Prize in 2007. He has published a book in Greek called Ideas of Space in the 20th Century (2009), which was his post-doctoral research project (2007–2008), and co-edited a book in English titled Intersections of Space and Ethos (Routledge, 2015, 2017). Seventy-eight scientific articles have been published in numerous journals and collective books, in Greek and English. Fifty (50) conference talks. Two hundred and forty (240) public lectures have been given since 2001.

Asst. Prof. Dr. Eng. Manfredi Saeli, University of Palermo

Manfredi Saeli (Palermo, Italy, 1979), EURO-PhD, engineer, and architect, joined the Department of Architecture, University of Palermo (Italy), in 2019 and, presently, he is an Assistant Professor with a tenure track in “Architectural Engineering”. He gained a EURO- PhD in “Construction Engineering” (University of Palermo) in 2011, M.Sci. with Honours in “Nanotechnologies for Cultural Heritage” in 2008, and the Laurea (Italian 5-year degree) with Honours in “Architectural Engineering” (2006). is a component of the teaching board of the PhD course in “Architecture, Arts and Planning” of Department of Architecture of University of Palermo. He has been collaborated to the teaching activities since 2008 within the Courses of Study of the Department of Architecture of the University of Palermo, devoting his contribution to the definition of traditional and advanced construction and
building materials and technologies.

His present research activities are mainly focused on developing high technological solutions of innovative materials, technologies, and products to improve the quality and sustainability of the built environment, either traditional, historical, or contemporary, considering the interaction between human lives, buildings, and the industry of Construction. Since 2011, he has supervised/co-supervised about 50 students’ theses, and he is the first author, or co-author, of more than 100 scientific papers published in international scientific journals and presented at national and international conferences. He was Visiting Professor/Researcher at the University of Aveiro (Portugal), University of Salento (Italy), Slovak University of Technology (Slovakia), The Energy and Resources Institute (New Delhi), University College of London (UK), and Columbia University (USA).
He is involved in many national and international research projects and has scientific collaborations with Italian and foreign Universities and Research Institutes.

Dr. Halleh Nejadriahi Royal Architectural Institute of Canada

She holds a PhD in Architecture, is a member of the Royal Architectural Institute of Canada, and is a LEED Green Associate. She obtained both her Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees in Architecture. Her achievements include recognition on the AD Scientific Index and earning the “Health and Wellness” badge for “Built for Health” from the U.S. Green Building Council. Dr. Nejadriahi has also received the Honor Certificate in the Pathways into Sustainability and Energy Program, as well as multiple certificates in Teaching Art and Design, Inclusive Teaching, and Universal Design for Learning.
Her expertise encompasses architectural design and construction, environmental design and sustainability, design theories and principles, space organization, and design communications. Dr. Nejadriahi's professional journey has been enriched by her academic pursuits, teaching experiences, and professional engagements in various institutions across Canada, Europe, and the Middle East.
With over 15 years of experience, Dr. Nejadriahi has taught a wide range of architectural and interior design courses. She has authored numerous publications in the field of architecture for international scientific journals and conference proceedings and has chaired several international conferences.
She is affiliated with several associations, including the Ontario College of Art and Design Faculty Association, the National Center for Faculty Development and Diversity (NCFDD), the International Association of People-Environment Studies, and the International Network for Traditional Building, Architecture & Urbanism (INTBAU). Additionally, Dr. Nejadriahi serves on the International Scientific Committee and Editorial Review Board of several journals.



8:30 Registration
9:00 Opening 


Section 1

9:10 Keynote Lecture: Prof Dr. Bilge Işık -ITU Emeritus- 

New Generation Adobe Architecture After the Earthquake

9:40 Keynote Lecture: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Derya Güleç Özer - İTU Faculty of Architecture 

Heritage and Culture in the Digitalizing World

10:15 Muhammad Talha Muftee 

Subverting Digital Tools:  Empowering Marginalized Communities in the Built Environment 

10:30 Grayson Bailey 

Protocols of Control: Architectural Production and The Politics of Cybernetic Governance 

10:45 Maria Karapavlou, Nikolaos-Ion Terzoglou 

Dimensions of Architectural Praxis 

11:00 Discussion 

11:15 Coffee Break 


Section 2

11:30 Beril Baş, Nevşet Gül Çanakçıoğlu, Neşe Ganiç Sağlam, Didem Boyacıoğlu 

Wayfinding Study at a Building of Faculty of Architecture and Design 

11:45 Abdulah Edrees, David Heslop, Sisi Zlatanova

A Framework Utilizing Gaming Engines for 3d Virtual Spatial Experience
and 2d Image-Based Questionnaires: Investigating Aesthetics in Hospital Environments 

12:00 Caner Arıkboğa

Violence in Debris Logistics: Local Infrastructures of Post-Disaster Cleanup 

12:15 Nikolaos-Ion Terzoglou

The Concept of the “Architectonosphere”: A New Design Tool for the Narrative Organization of Space 

12:30 Discussion 

12.45 Lunch

Section 3

13:45 Oğul Can Öztunç 

Encyclopedia of Spatial Pleasures: A Toolbox for The Knowledge of Architecture 

14:00 Serap Durmuş Öztürk, Asude Bali

A Narrative Frame of the City: Perceiving, Telling, Sketching and Writing in Urban Places 

14:45 Zeynep Gül Söhmen Tunay

The Originality Canon in Architecture: Paradigm Shift Through Nft Architecture and the Nagakin Tower 

15:00 Discussion 

15:15 Coffee Break 


Section 4

15:30 Uygar Korkmaz, Nevşet Gül Çanakçioğlu, Didem Boyacıoğlu, Neşe Ganiç Sağlam 

Evaluating Üsküdar Street in Şile in Terms of Attitude, Behaviour and Perception 

15:45 Reem Sawwan, Dürnev Atılgan Yağan

Exploring Livability in Zeytinburnu-Sümer Neighborhood: Insights From Households With Children 

16:00 Aylin Aras, Merve Asya Çetinkaya

Imagining Future Spaces: Meta-Space Concept

16:15 María José Freire Silva

Studying Urban Expansion From a Historical-Morphological Perspective: The Case of Quito 1908 - 1942 

16:30 Discussion 

16:45 Coffee Break 


Section 5

17:00 Enrico Pietrogrande

Considerations on the Unfinished In Architectural Renovation 

17:15 Pınar Koçlardan, Banu Çelebioğlu Yergün

An Assessment of Unesco World Heritage Nomination Potential of the Monasteries in Van Province 

17:45 Annalisa Contato, Manfredi Saeli

Urban and Technological Design for Historical Public Spaces Regeneration. The Case of Kalsa District in Palermo (Sicily).

18:00 Closing 



Yıldız Aksoy

The Importance of Earthquake Parks in Urban Disaster Management and Resilience

Patrizia Mello 

The Relationship Between Philosophy And Architecture:  On the Concept of Ethical-Aesthetic Autonomy of Architecture 

Željka Pješivac

Translating Tradition: The New Acropolis Museum by Bernard Tschumi Architects

Daniel Karpinski 

Chora/ Hestia or Re-Current Architecture 

Ece Kiy, Alper Ünlü, Nevşet Gül Çanakçıoğlu 

Navigating The Maze: The Impact of Fixed Path Design on the Frequency of Customer in Retail Store 

Büşra Hamzaoğlu Zafer, V. Şafak Uysal

Archetypal Narratives and Architectural Imagination: Reading Istanbul through Evliya Çelebi’s Travelogue

Sara El-Husseiny, Yasser Mansour, Mohab Elrefaie And Ahmed El Antably 

Investigating Children's Spatial Experience Through Play-Based Methods 

İrem Can İğci, H. Selim Ökem 

Architectural Phenomenology as a Critical Threshold Extending From The Cartesian Tradition to the Present: Lived Experience in the Simultaneity Of Space, Time And Life 

Yeşim Görmüş 

Tracing Urban Space: A General Assessment of the Potential of Urban Dynamics in the Context of Nefs-i Samsun 

Luisa Lombardo, Manfredi Saeli, Tiziana Campisi

From Agrarian Landmarks to Urban Relics. The Historical and Functional Evolution of Palermo’s Water Towers

İbrahim Teymur

Analyzing the Theme of Gender Through the Works of Various Artists in the Discipline of Photography

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You can see the virtual presentations with this QR code.


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