Keynote Presentation
Urban Design and Physical Activity: Relationship Between Healthy Living and Environmental Sustainability
Bechir Chaabane
Azaro as Gothıic Child in the Famished Road by Ben Okri
Diana Woodcoc
Heaven Underfood
Ebini Olajide Henry​
The Overlooked Element in Continuous Improvement: Why People ('MAN') Matter More Than Ever in the 4Ms Framework
Eman Sherif​
Place Attachment Theory: The Case of Dahab, South Sinai, Egypt
Hale Gönül​
Narrating the Shanty Town: Spatial Features of Çiçektepe in Latife Tekin's "Berji Kristin: Tales from the Garbage Hills"
Lejla Music​
The Sociology of Afrofuturism in the New Disney Princess: (From Pinocchio and Anastasia to Tiana)
Robin Fetherston​
Dog Paddling in the Promised Land
Shpresa Rama Kajtazi
Remembering Kosovars During the '90's: Modern Ways of Sharing Collective Memories
Zoltan Bolek​
Formation and History of the Field Imamate of the Austro-Hungarian Army