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  • Abstracts are to be uploaded to the online submission system. (You can find the link on the right column of the web page).

  • In-person presentation: Text upload: min 200 word, max. 600 words as text

  • Virtual presentation: Text upload: min 200 word, max. 600 words as text









In-person presentation:

  • Length: Up to 12 pages including title of the paper, names of the authors, abstract, keywords, main text and references. You can prefer to write shorter, but if you need extra space, please inform us beforehand.  

  • If necessary, write your personal degree and institution on a separate line before the main text. If you have not added any details or title, we will not add them. 

  • The text must be in English.

  • Font for the whole document: Calibri. Title: 24 pt Authors: 12 pt. Font size for the rest of the document: 10 pt.

  • Margins: Top: 2,5 cm; Bottom: 2,5 cm; Right: 2,5 cm; Left: 2,5 cm

  • The paper's title and authors' names are in UPPERCASE, the Subheadings are in the Title Case, and the rest of the text is in the Sentence case.

  • Paper size: A4. 21 cm (Horizontal) x 29,7 cm (Vertical)

  • Line spacing: Single. Alignment: Both. 

  • No space after or before paragraphs; One line space before subheadings, but no space afterward;- Use bold for subheadings and to emphasize text.

  • Use italics for non-English words and for all kinds of titles (books, plays, movies, and newspapers) Do not use italics for names of persons or organizations or for geographical terms. Titles in italics are not put between quotation marks.

  • Use double quotation marks and italics for all quotes, but do not use extra indent. Use single quotation marks only for quotes inside quotes.

  • Quotes up to two sentences are integrated in the text. Quotes longer than two sentences have to be set apart in a separate paragraph with the same formatting.

  • The images and information graphics should be placed in the text. 

  • Please avoid using any footnotes or endnotes. (These features of Microsoft Word or similar programs create difficulties during the design process.)

  • For referencing and bibliography instructions, please use APA STYLE (parenthetical referencing, using brackets while referring to a source).  https://apastyle.apa.org/style-grammar-guidelines/references & https://apastyle.apa.org/style-grammar-guidelines/citations/basic-principles

  • Citations will be enclosed within parentheses and embedded in the text, either within or after a sentence, in lieu of footnote citations, i.e. no footnotes or endnotes will be used. Citations will be accompanied by a full, alphabetized list of citations in an end section, entitled "References".

  • If you do not submit a full paper at the deadline, your abstract will be published to document your participation. No changes can be made afterward.

Virtual presentation Videos:

  • Max. size of 2 GB and length of 15 minutes sharp, in Video format (.avi, .mpeg, .mov). Powerpoint presentations without voice-over speech will not be accepted.

  • In addition to this, you will need to submit a full paper up to 12 pages according to the same guidelines as in-person presentation for proceedings. The full paper and the virtual presentation shall be submitted according to their respective deadlines.






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