Q: Can I submit an abstract now?
A: Information will be available in the Calendar section of the conference's main page. This will provide you with the relevant abstract submission deadline and submission guidelines, and it will also inform you if the submission period is not yet open or if the deadline has passed and submissions are no longer being considered.
Q: How do I submit an abstract?
A: Abstract submissions must be done online. The system involves you filling in a simple web form with your contact and abstract details, adding your prepared abstract, and pressing submit. The whole submission process is swift, which means that your abstract is automatically acknowledged and added to the review system. Please ensure that you submit it carefully and accurately to avoid later revisions. For you to receive your automatic reply, it is imperative that you input your email address accurately.
Q: Can I send my abstract via email?
A: You must send your abstract through the online submission form. It is the only way your proposal is to be taken into consideration.
Q: What do the fields on the abstract submission form mean?
A: The corresponding author' means that you will be the one who is the contact person among the authors of the paper.
Q: I am unable to attend the conference. Can I still submit my abstract for publication in the conference proceedings?
A: If you know for definite that it will be impossible for your material to be presented at the conference by yourself or a co-author/colleague or through a virtual presentation, please do not make a submission. Only those abstracts to be presented at the conference (oral or virtual) will be included in the conference program and proceedings book. We do not allow abstracts or full papers to be published in the conference materials without any presentation.
Q: I have submitted my abstract but have not received confirmation; what should I do?
A: Most importantly, do not resubmit your abstract at this stage! There may be a number of reasons why you have not received your notification. There may be an email delay, there may have been an error in your email address field on the form, or your organization may have blocked the message assuming that it is spam.
We try to send a notification in three weeks about whether your abstract has been accepted or not. However, in some cases, you will need to wait until the submission deadline, as the scientific committee might be willing to evaluate all abstracts together.
Q: What are the differences between participation categories?
A: In-person participation is a regular (oral) conference presentation, and the participants attend personally. One of the authors will present their work in a 15 minutes time. (15 minutes for presentation, 5 minutes for discussion) If you have to cancel your place at the conference after registration, one of your colleagues can attend and present your work in your place.
For virtual presentations (online or hybrid conferences) you will submit a PowerPoint presentation with voice-over narration or a video before the conference. This presentation will be uploaded as part of a video gallery on our website. You will not need to connect and make a live presentation for online events.
Q: My abstract has been accepted for presentation. Do I have to register by a particular deadline?
A: Yes, it is essential that you register by the registration deadline, which will be mentioned in the CALENDER section of the conference's main page. Acceptance of your abstract is conditional upon your registration to attend the conference as a presenter. Your registration confirms that you will be presenting your material at the conference, and without your registration, we will presume that you can no longer present. If the deadline is problematic for you for whatever reason, then please contact the Conference Secretariat in order to explain your situation.
Q: How are the abstracts evaluated?
A: Abstracts are evaluated and selected according to double-blind peer reviews by the scientific committee of the conference, and scholars specialized in this field.
Q: When will I receive a response?
A: You will receive a notification in two weeks. If not announced, please wait the abstract submission deadline, sometimes the scientific committee prefers to evaluate all the abstracts together.
If you need an urgent response, you can contact the Conference Secretariat.
You will be informed by e-mai,l and accepted abstracts will be listed on the website in groups.
Q: Do I have to pay for each paper of mine?
A: Yes, you must pay for each paper you present at the conference.
Q: How can I submit my full paper?
A: You can send it via e-mail to
You must fit the paper guidelines, which will accelerate the proceedings book to be published and reduce the risk of any mistakes.
Q: What happens if I cannot finish my full paper on time? If I send my full paper after the conference, can it be included in the proceedings?
A: You should have submitted your full paper by the deadline. If you can not finish your full paper on time, only your abstract will be included in the conference proceedings.
Q: What is the academic status of the conference proceedings?
A: All full papers will be published as an e-book with an ISBN, which will be sent to the participants via email and published online. DAKAM is considered in the international academic publisher status in Turkey's academic promotion criteria.
Q: I realized that I made a mistake in my full paper after the deadline.
A: You should upload your full paper's 'last version' by the deadline. After the deadline, we do not accept any updates.
Q: When should I register?
A: Please register as soon as you know your attendance is definite after receiving the acceptance notification for your abstract. This will mean that the conference organization team will be able to send all the relevant documentation to you in good time before the conference, and your name will be included in the published list of participants. It will also mean that you have a guaranteed place.
Q: When is the deadline for registration?
A: The deadline for the registration of presenters can be seen on the event calendar page.
If you are making a presentation at the conference, it is essential that you register according to the author registration deadline, which is detailed on the website. If you do not register by this date, your material will be automatically excluded from the final conference program.
Q: I missed the deadline. Can I still register?
A: If the registration deadline has not been postponed, please do not register without consulting the organization team by e-mail -it may be impossible to include you in the conference after the preparations reach an advanced stage.
Q: I cannot register using an online credit card or paypal payment system. What shall I do?
A: Please contact us for details on the wire transfer.
Q: The conference is less than two weeks away, and I haven't received any confirmation documents. What should I do?
A: This could mean that your registration form was not received successfully, you are not registered, or that our confirmation documents have not reached you. It is essential that you make urgent contact with the Conference Secretariat in order to check the status of your registration.
Q: How can I receive an invoice?
A: In your registration confirmation pack, you will automatically receive a confirmation invoice. This includes the full amount to be paid for your registration fee and any relevant payment details received on your registration form.
The invoice sent to you by the system provider is the official invoice. We can send you an invoice if you will pay through a bank transfer.
Q: When do I need to pay my registration fee?
A: Your registration fee must be paid in full by the deadline of registration just after filling in the registration form.
Q: Is there a chance to participate with help or a scholarship?
A: Unfortunately, we can not help you in funding your participation.
Q: I will present more than one paper at the conference. Do I need to pay more than one registration fee?
A: Yes, the registration fee for the conference applies to each presentation. For the second registration you will have a standard discount.
Q: My paper has more than one author. Shall we all fill in the registration form and pay the regular registration fee for the related category?
A: Every registration order covers a single paper and the attendance of one author for in-person events. If more than one author will attend the conference, another registration as a non-presenter participant is necessary. The first author should pay the regular registration fee, and the co-authors should register as non-presenter participants.
Q: Can the co-author (not registered as a non-presenter participant) get a certificate?
A: The certificates are prepared, including the names of all authors.
Q: I realize I need to register by the deadline, but I am still waiting to hear whether I have funding to attend. What should I do?
A: Do not register for the conference until you are sure that your funding to attend the conference is approved. Cancellation terms and conditions apply to your registration from the moment that you submit your signed registration form to us. Rather than registering, and potentially canceling at a later stage, please let the conference secretariat know your position, and let us know the date when you expect to receive confirmation of the funding application.
Q: Can I bring a companion with me to the conference?
A: People who are not registered can't attend the conference venue as an audience, as venues are charging the organizers per person. Also, we have a 13 year old restriction, please do not bring your children who are younger than 13 year old.
For the conferences which will take place at a hotel, the people who are not registered as non-presenter participants are not allowed to attend the conference.
Q: I am not yet sure if I can definitely attend the conference. Is it okay for me to register now and then cancel later, or just not turn up at the conference?
A: No, if you are not sure you can attend, do not register. Cancellation terms and conditions apply to your registration from the moment that you submit the registration form. The conference organizers incur prepaid costs for each place booked, for example for your conference catering and conference materials or the fees of online systems, regardless of whether you ultimately attend or not, which is the reason for the cancellation charge.
Q: I have to cancel my place at the conference. Can a colleague attend in my place?
A: This is not a problem. Please inform the Conference Secretariat in writing of your details, plus the contact details of the person who will be attending in your place. A substitution can be made, and no extra charge or cancellation penalty is incurred.
Q: I must cancel my place at the conference. What shall I do, and how will I be refunded?
A: Please read the TERMS AND CONDITIONS.
Q: I need to cancel my place. Do you need to know the reason for my cancellation?
A: Not necessarily. Unfortunately, the outlined cancellation terms apply regardless of your reason.
Q: I need to cancel, but it is too late to get any sort of refund of my fee. Is it okay for me to just not turn up at the conference?
A: We would prefer that you inform the Conference Secretariat in writing of your cancellation, regardless of whether you are due a refund or not.
Q: When should I arrive at the conference venue?
A: It is very important that you arrange your travel in order to be at the conference venue on the first day of the event. The conference program will be announced shortly after the registration deadline. Please keep in mind that you must be here at the conference by the time of registration.
Q: When will my oral presentation occur, and how long should it last?
A: Please refer to the conference program to see when your individual presentation will take place and its duration. A draft program will be announced two weeks before the conference.
The presentations will be 15 minutes plus 5 minutes for discussion time will be given to each presenter for discussion.
Q: When do I have to send my virtual presentation?
A: You need to send it according to the deadline mentioned on the website. The virtual presentations should be prepared as a voice-over powerpoint presentation or a video format.
Q: I will only be able to attend for a restricted time. Can I decide on my presentation time?
A: No, it would not be possible. So, please do not plan anything else for the conference days and attend the whole sessions which will cause a more interactive and exciting event in the end.
Q: Can I change my presentation time after the program is announced?
A: Please contact us if you prefer to change your presentation spot, tough there is no guarantee that it would be possible.
Q: The details of my presentation have changed, but the old details are still on the website. When will it be updated?
A: Please inform the Conference Secretariat if your presentation details must be updated on the website. Please bear in mind that the website is updated periodically but is not immediately reflective of each change to the program as it occurs.
Q: Are there any group travel arrangements for the conference, or are there official air carriers or official travel agents?
A: No, we have found from experience that delegates prefer to make their independent travel arrangements. In the age of Internet bookings, it is easier and more cost-efficient for you to shop around and find the most convenient travel option for yourself. The conference organizers do not provide shuttles from the airport to the conference venue, but transfers by public transport are usually available ,and information on these can be found on the additional details page on the conference website and information sheet sent with your registration confirmation pack.
Q: When can I receive my certificate? If I forgot to receive my certificate during the conference, can you post it to me?
A: You can receive your certificates by the end of the conference. We do not post the certificates, but we can send it by email.
Q: What facilities and operating systems will be used during the conference? Can I bring my presentation on a USB flash?
A: You will be able to show a PowerPoint presentation. Please bring your presentation in USB flash and hand it to us after your registration in the hall where your session will take place.
Q: Can I use my computer to present my paper online or elsewhere?
A: You can not use your computer to present your work. You have to bring your presentation on a USB drive.
We use Windows and Microsoft Office; please keep in mind that you should prepare your presentations accordingly in order to prevent technical mishaps.
Q: Do I need a visa to attend the conference, and if so, can the Conference Secretariat help me with my entry visa application?
A: If you are unsure whether you need a visa to attend the conference, please check with your local embassy or travel agent. If you do, it is essential that you begin the process as soon as possible, in order that you obtain your visa in time for the conference or registration deadline. Visa application procedures have become stricter and more complex, and therefore, it can take much longer to process your application than anticipated. Subject to certain conditions, we provide a standard acceptance letter indicating that you are invited to take part in the conference so that it will assist you with your visa application. Unfortunately, the Secretariat cannot follow up on your application on your behalf or enter into correspondence directly with consulates.
Q: I am unable to come to the registration session at the start of the conference. Can I register at a later stage?
A: Yes, the conference information and registration desk will be staffed throughout conference hours for queries. But we strongly recommend you to be at the registration desk at the start of the event and listen to as many presentations as you can in order to be involved in discussions and to be able to meet other participants from different places in the world.
Q: I would like to discuss the possibilities of future collaboration with DAKAM. Are you open to cooperation?
A: Yes, absolutely. We will be happy to arrange a private meeting with you.