CUI '24 / XıI. International Contemporary Urban Issues Conference will be held online. The conference is coordinated by DAKAM (Eastern Mediterranean Academic Research Center) and will be organized by BILSAS (Science, Art, Sport Productions).
All abstracts are going to be selected according to double-blind reviews and accepted papers will be published in the Conference Proceedings E-Book with an ISBN number that will be sent to after the conference.
We invite you to join us at the event in Istanbul and would like to emphasize that proposals from different parts of the world are welcomed.
For the publication opportunities, registration conditions and presentation instructions, please visit the registration info age.
The conference aims at fostering discussions of theory and research on urban issues. Focusing on a multidimensional urban phenomenon, this international conference aims to deepen the understanding of informality by opening it to discussion with contributions from various disciplines like architecture, urban planning, sociology, history, economy and anthropology.
Emergence of informality as a concept in scholarly discussions can be traced back to the 1970s when “the informal sector” was first used by ILO reports on employment and poverty. The results of the global economic restructuring -such as the flexibilization of production and employment relations, deterioration of collective responsibility and welfare functions of the state- damage the security of urban poor in terms of housing and working. Meanwhile, recent socio economic public policies seem to intensify the condition of informality. Now, it is widely accepted that informal way of living is a necessity for the urban poor as a survival strategy. Hence, informal work and housing constitute a significant proportion of urban economies and policies.
What is new in the neo-liberal age is the extending scope of informality. Today, the boundary between the formal and informal is blurred more than before since most urbanites, including the middle classes, experience both formal and informal encounters in their everyday life. Besides, even the urban rich contribute to informality by the development projects on the invaded peripheral land. Consequently, contemporary informality affects not just a marginal segment of the society but a majority of people living in urban space.
Abstract submission:
JUNE 16, 2017
AUGUST 11, 2017
Full papers submission:
AUGUST 18, 2017
Abstract Submission Deadline:
NOVEMBER 22, 2024
Registration Deadline:
NOVEMBER 29, 2024
Full Paper Submission Deadline:
NOVEMBER 29, 2024

Track 01: Rethinking Informality
Informality at Home
Architecture of informality
Squatters / slums / shanties
Self-Help housing & upgrading
Gated communities
Laws and regulations of housing construction
Daily life in between formal and informal
Immigrants and refugees
Crime (association of crime with informality)
Urbanization and informality
Everyday resistance
Place politics
Survival strategies
Informality at Work
Informal economy and service sector
Factors shaping informal economy
Immigration and informal labor
Sub-contracting (Multinational companies, public employment, etc.)
International division of labor
Globalization/localization effects on work
Underground business networks
Alternatives to public services
Street art / graffiti / musicians
Informality in Theory
The evolution of the concept in theory
Globalization/localization theories
Forms of Informality
“Culture of poverty”/ “myth of marginality”/ “quiet encroachment of the ordinary”/”mystery of capital”
Urban informality in popular culture
Track 02: Transportation, Planning and Local Administrations
Transportation and Local Differences
Transportation and Economic Development at the Local Level
Urban Mobility
Automated Driving and Smart Mobility
Investment in Transport Infrastructure
The promotion and integration of non-motorised modes
Resilience to the effects of changes in the climate
Assessment of techniques for the appraisal of major projects
Models to support Transport Planning and Policy
Track 03: Policy Matters and Political Transformations
Citizenship / immigration / informality
Alternative ways of civic participation
Decision making at the local/national levels
National public policies’ strategies dealing with the informal
Legal and institutional framework
Informality and the ‘Right to the City’
Social Policies to fight/support the informal
The Role of the Local Governments on the Public Security
Coverage and Quality of Health Services
Politics and local elections
The policies, instruments and orientation of International Organizations like UN, WDB, ILO
Instruments of NGOs and opposition
Track 04: Economy, Inequality and Urban Space
Economic restructuring and economic crisis
Local Governments and Economy
Equlity, inequality and urban space
Cities and Dynamics of economy
Role of the cities in the globalization process
Resistance and Urban Space
Social Capital and Urban Land Use
Track 05: Ecology and Urban Studies
Local Governments and Energy
Urban Green Space
Ecology and built area – buildings, roads, drainage etc
Pollution and Industry
Natural resources and urban planning
Natural landscape/protective landscape – forest/wildlife ecology
Agriculture, Productive landscape – rural ecology
Rural Planning
Street trees and home gardens
Water bodies – ponds, rivers
Urban ecosystems: Climate, soil, hydrology, species composition, population dynamics, flow of energy.
Keynote Speaker will be announced.
The 2022 Conference will be held online
4 Michail Voda Str
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Prof. Dr. Ebru Çubukcu/ Dokuz Eylul University
Doc.Dr. Hayat Zengin/ Dokuz Eylul University
Doc.Dr. Yelda Aydin/ TuRKKT
Doc Dr Feride Önal/ Yildiz Teknik University
Doc. Dr. Gulin Beyhan/ Suleyman Demirel
Doc Dr Murat sahin/ Özyegin University
Yrd Doc Dr Aysem Ela/ KacelBahcesehir University
Yrd Doc Dr Ebru Kamaci/ Erciyes University
Yrd. Doc. Dr. Ulas Sunata/ Bahcesehir University
Yrd Doc Dr Çigdem Turkyilmaz/ Yildiz Teknik University
Doc Dr Evrim Töre/ Kultur University
Doc. Dr. Yildiz Aksoy/ Medeniyet University
Yrd Doc Dr Sanem Özen Turan/ Kultur University
Maria Siti/ National Technical University of Athens
Mohammad Arif Kamal, Assoc. Prof. Dr., Aligarh Muslim University
The presentations will be uploaded to the website in the form of videos on the day of the conference. Participants will be able to follow the presentations in the order they prefer.
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